Friday, July 13, 2007

[pic] You know what they say, once you go black..

SFW, even cute..

read more | digg story

Google Writes Customer a Bad Check

If I tried, I couldn’t make up a story like this. First, there was the problem, then, there was the solution, and now comes the comedy. I hope you’re wearing your laughing pants.

read more | digg story

Family Leaves $10,000 Tip to Waitress

The money is from a mother and her two sons who are regular customers, but don't want to be named.

read more | digg story

An Adsense Question Answered.

When I checked other sites, they have adsense on many pages on their
sites, but as for me it appears only in one page. Do I have to paste
the code again in another page? Can I do that?



Yes, you can paste the adsense code into your other pages. Google will allow you
to paste 3 ad units per page.