Saturday, July 21, 2007

Spaceflight shot from space magnified

Is this the lonelyest job in (or out of) this world?

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Man With "Virtually Absent" Brain Leads Relatively Normal Life

French doctors are puzzling over the case of 44-year-old civil servant who has led a quite normal life -- but with an extraordinarily tiny brain.

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Some innocent Lawn Humor.

(GREAT MENTAL VISUALS IN THIS STORY!)Now, picture my little Hispanic husband, standing on our dilapidated front porch, tapping his foot and actually PONDERING mowing this wet soggy smorgasbord of grass. Yet, that is actually what is going through his mind, I can see it. Now, about 3 months ago, after years of hoping and wishing, he finally ac

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Your Guide to 2008 Presidential Candidates' Positions on Top 25 Issues

All 18 democrat and republican candidates' positions on issues arranged in an easy to read table.

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